The future of electronic signature and past experience from around the world


Technology itself is not enough for digitization of business, it is necessary to create the conditions for its adoption, said Luigi-Enrico Tomasini, Namirial’s Board member, at the Namirial Partner Campus event, held on May 23 and 24 in Munich.

What is Namirial?

It is one of the few companies running on the market at the same time as a software company specializing in electronic signature solutions and as a Certification Authority (CA), certificate issuing body.

Namirial explains its role as Regtech, so it is not only a provider of digital signatures and supporting technology, but also support for adopting new technologies and facilitating compliance with regulatory requirements. In addition to compliance, they help and improve the performance of the organization they work with.

Hundreds of partners and users in one place

Accelerated development and the increasing use of digital signatures have inspired the interest of many European and worldwide organizations for this event, which can be categorized into three categories:

  1. sales partners,
  2. technology partners (eg. Samsung, Microsoft, Lenovo),
  3. end users.

Namirial Partner Campus introduced trends in e-signatures and digital hardware and software transactions, as well as responding to numerous legislative / regulatory framework dilemmas. For example, they used the real cases of their global clients such as Allianz, Daimler Financial Services and Vodafone Turkey, which use such solutions at a number of levels of business in relation to users but also for the needs of internal processes.[/norebro_text][vc_empty_space height=”70px”][vc_single_image image=”5675309″ img_size=”full” css_animation=”fadeIn”][vc_empty_space height=”70px”][norebro_text]

6 Interests from Namirial Partner Campus

[/norebro_text][vc_empty_space height=”30px”][vc_row_inner gap=”35″][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][norebro_process number=”01″ title=”The EU has the most advanced digital signatures and trust service legislative. The rest of the world is following it.” title_typo=”font_size~16||line_height~25||weight~inherit” title_color=”#595959″][norebro_process number=”02″ title=”Behavioral biometrics as a method of authentication on mobile devices ensures excellent user experience, with minimal additional investments and a high level of security and trust.” title_typo=”font_size~16||line_height~25||weight~inherit” title_color=”#595959″][norebro_process number=”03″ title=”Current solutions send non-encrypted data, while in the future strong cryptography brought by Blockchain integration will bring greater security to digital transactions.” title_typo=”font_size~16||line_height~25||weight~inherit” title_color=”#595959″][norebro_process number=”04″ title=”Low Code platforms are getting stronger and more popular because they allow software and configuration development through a graphical interface without the classic code programming. They provide faster development and adaptation, as well as business transformation, cheaper maintenance, all with less technical knowledge.” title_typo=”font_size~16||line_height~25||weight~inherit” title_color=”#595959″][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][norebro_process number=”05″ title=”Establishing identity is becoming simpler, so users are offered more and more different methods they can use: legally binding electronic signatures using one-time certificates, video camera verification on a mobile phone, verification through an existing bank account, and verification by a personal ID card.” title_typo=”font_size~16||line_height~25||weight~inherit” title_color=”#595959″][norebro_process number=”06″ title=”Blokchain is a trusting system that enables technology and cryptoeconomics, and one of its main tasks is to remove the human factor from transactions that has so far proved to be the weakest link. The three main features of Blockchain are: decentralization, invariability and distribution.” title_typo=”font_size~16||line_height~25||weight~inherit” title_color=”#595959″][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]