Biometric Signature – Safe and Practical E-Signature for both you and your users

[vc_row][vc_column][norebro_text]Hand-written signature has always been mostly widespread and acceptable way to sign a document. Signatures are a synonym for expressing agreement and intention, and therefore agreements, contracts, or documents provide the value of legal action. For this reason, the basic characteristics required for signatures are its uniqueness and personal character. 

Ease of use brings popularity among users 

Solution of electronic signature with biometric techniques is practical, easy to use, and thus often the most popular form of e-signing. Clients are still reluctant to use other instruments such as codes, magnetic cards, tokens. That’s how this advanced e-signature, which is easy to use and just like signing papers, achieves tremendous success.

Double Biometric Signature Security – Technological and Natural

The biometric signature, according to the categorization defined in the eIDAS regulation, belongs to the category of advanced electronic signature. The IT solution’s goal is to manage biometric signatures and ensure a level of security that minimizes any kind of abuse.

When signing documents using technical means for biometric signing, the system recognizes a series of biometric behavioral parameters associated with spontaneous hand movements when signing. The system records all biometric parameters together with additional parameters that allow a unique connection between the signed document and the signature encrypted, and encrypted inserts into the document. This ensures double protection:

  • inability to bind a signed signature to another document,
  • inability to copy recorded biometric data without having encryption keys and associated passwords used for encryption.

In case of dispute, the graphological analysis can detect any attempt to simulate or counterfeit the signature. Even the most abusive forger knows that a series of sign-related movements is completely personal and automated, and is almost impossible to reproduce. Graphological analysis of the electronic biometric signature is, since the electronic biometric signature contains significantly more data, is much more reliable than the graphical analysis of the standard signature “pencil on paper”.

Solution architecture also protects you and your users from attempting to scam. Designed and planned to fully respect the data protection. It ensures that all processed data are subject to maximum confidentiality and can not be used for other applications other than those for which such data was required or registered.

Forensically recognizable e-signature 

Biometric signatures transfer the process of signing and verifying signature 1: 1 from the paper world to the digital world. The signatories give a handwritten signature and, if necessary, the graphologist “forensically verifies” the pre-recorded manuscript signature in relation to a set of available known signature patterns, either from digital or paper-based sources.

The biometric signature recorded data contains much more than your digitized image. In addition, it requires:

  • recorded “behavioral method” data with a handwritten signature, including timing data of writing rhythm (speed and acceleration),
  • graphics (slope and slope difference)
  • and optional pressure.

These dynamic parameters are unique to each individual and a falsifier can not reproduce them. That is why such a digitized signature is forensically recognizable and far more reliable than in the case of a signed image.

Determining the authenticity and legal value of the biometric signature

When someone claims “I did not sign it”, a forensic expert can always make a basic manual signature verification using specialized software to achieve acceptable results, in the same way as a paper signature expert.

Likewise, a biometric signature can be automatically verified in real-time to determine the authenticity of the profile database filled in during the e-signature process. This ensures that certain transactions are carried out, as well as audits that are stored for use in the event of a dispute, thereby placing the burden of proof on the signatories.

In countries where the legal framework allows, biometric signature is a de facto industry standard for B2C scenarios. For example, POS in the branch office or in a door-to-door mobile situation when both sides meet face to face, which is valid as proof that the signer actually used a pencil or a capacitive pencil. In addition, as reliable data recording and encryption in biometric signatures is absolutely required, biometric signatures recording require the use of installed native applications that provide a stable real-time processing environment.[/norebro_text][vc_empty_space height=”25px”][/vc_column][/vc_row]