
AppDynamics – link application performance and user experience to business results

[vc_row][vc_column][norebro_text]Nowadays, when the business process is dependent on the applications, it is of utmost importance to monitor their work and to be able to diagnose in the event of any problem and solve it.[/norebro_text][vc_empty_space][norebro_heading subtitle_type_layout=”bottom_subtitle” module_type_layout=”on_left” heading_type=”h1″ title=”QSUyMGNvbXByZWhlbnNpdmUlMjBBUE0lMjBzb2x1dGlvbiUyMGZvciUyMGV2ZW4lMjB0aGUlMjBtb3N0JTIwY29tcGxleCUyMGVudmlyb25tZW50cw==” subtitle_typo=”weight~inherit” title_typo=”font_size~36||weight~inherit”][norebro_text]Solutions with demanding response times in complex IT environments with a large number of integration points, diverse platforms and infrastructure environments is an increasingly common scenario in many companies. In order to maintain business continuity and maintain the best possible user experience, rapid detection of low quality causes and deviations or service interruptions, have simply become a necessity.[/norebro_text][vc_empty_space][vc_single_image image=”5676384″ img_size=”large” alignment=”center”][vc_empty_space][norebro_text]AppDynamics is a comprehensive Application Performance Monitoring (APM) solution that allows Proof of Value to be implemented within any IT environment, with prior analysis of operational processes, to evaluate potential impact prior to production implementation, in the function of service sustainability and further business development.

In addition to the basic APM functionalities that can be implemented in on-premises and SaaS models, AppDynamics includes monitoring and analytics for:

  • end users
  • infrastructure
  • cloud solutions
  • mainframe
  • SAP S/4HANA application and business performance.

By integrating Perspica machine learning technology into infrastructure, application and business analytics, AppDynamics is constantly expanding its capabilities in monitoring cloud architectures, including microservices, serverless computing, container and hybrid environments.[/norebro_text][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][norebro_heading subtitle_type_layout=”bottom_subtitle” module_type_layout=”on_left” heading_type=”h2″ title=”QSUyMHBsYXRmb3JtJTIwdGhhdCUyMGNvbm5lY3RzJTIwYnVzaW5lc3MlMjBkZXBhcnRtZW50cyUyMGFuZCUyMElU” subtitle_typo=”weight~inherit”][norebro_text]By correlating application performance, user experience and business results, and translating code-level monitoring into immediate, clear and effective insights, you gain a better understanding between business and IT departments. This integrates IT surveillance metrics with business process flows, giving you insight into real-time business data (such as revenue) and providing relevant metrics that simultaneously emphasize the business value of IT.

By deploying, AppDynamics operational teams of users and IT partners can focus on the end effect, in the context of business, rather than overseeing individual services.

It allows developers to quickly diagnose and determine the cause of problems by looking at all layers of architecture, database interactions, and related audit records to help code faster development and delivery.[/norebro_text][vc_empty_space][norebro_heading subtitle_type_layout=”bottom_subtitle” module_type_layout=”on_left” heading_type=”h2″ title=”V2h5JTIwQXBwRHluYW1pY3MlM0Y=” subtitle_typo=”weight~inherit”][norebro_text]The key benefits of using this technology are:

  • Visualization of the entire application from browser and mobile application to the background database
  • Monitoring hybrid environments with Java, .NET, PHP, Node.js, Python and C ++
  • Elimination of bottlenecks up to 90% faster, with detailed diagnostics up to the code level
  • Automation of common repairs with Application Run Book Automation
  • Improved awareness of problematic situations and DevOps collaboration with business departments

In addition, AppDynamics has a number of COTS capabilities, such as support for monitoring systems such as SAP S/4HANA via the API.[/norebro_text][vc_empty_space][norebro_heading subtitle_type_layout=”bottom_subtitle” module_type_layout=”on_left” heading_type=”h2″ title=”U29sdmluZyUyMGFwcGxpY2F0aW9uJTIwcHJvYmxlbXMlMjBpbiUyMGElMjBtaW5pbXVtJTIwb2YlMjBjbGlja3M=” subtitle_typo=”weight~inherit”][norebro_text]IT solutions are becoming a critical growing segment of all business environments, so it has never been more important to have a simple and fast way to monitor, diagnose and solve application problems before they have any impact on revenue.

In order to detect and resolve the problem as soon as possible and in as few clicks as possible, no matter what your IT environment, AppDynamics is intended to:

  • IT Operation Departments,
  • production support,
  • development departments,
  • solution architects,
  • anyone whose phone rings when the application is having problems.

[/norebro_text][vc_empty_space][vc_single_image image=”5676369″ img_size=”large” alignment=”center”][vc_empty_space][norebro_heading subtitle_type_layout=”bottom_subtitle” module_type_layout=”on_left” heading_type=”h2″ title=”SW4lMjB0aGUlMjBzaG9ydCUyMHRlcm0lMjB0byUyMHNpZ25pZmljYW50JTIwcmVzdWx0cw==” subtitle_typo=”weight~inherit”][norebro_text]The implementation of AppDynamics is carried out, wherever possible, standardized in order to maximize impact in a minimum of time. With quality preparation, monitoring of any production application can be established in minutes.

  • Minimum configuration for monitoring any application.
  • Monitor the application even when you do not have its source code.

The AppDynamics solution is extremely easy to configure and deploy and covers a wide range of technologies. Automatically detects business transactions, consumes extremely few resources to monitor and collect data. Monitors each line of code and dynamically defines performance baselines to proactively identify and resolve application issues before impacting customers and businesses.[/norebro_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]